Όροι και προϋποθέσεις

Check in

Please let us know in advance if you are arriving after 11:30 pm so we can arrange to check in services.


Prices quoted are per day per apartment or studio not per person and they include all the facilities of the apartment and local taxes.


Prices include linen and bath towels.

Extra beds

Extra beds are available at the extra cost of 15 euros per day.

Two bedroom apartments

The two bedroom apartments can sleep 4 people and they can also take an extra bed if required.

One bedroom apartments

The one bedroom apartments can sleep 2-4 people (an extra bed can accommodate a fifth person).


The studios can accommodate 2 people plus extra bed.


A 30% deposit is required at the time of booking. The deposit can either be paid by credit card or a bank transfer.

Cancellation Policy

We follow a full, money back cancellation policy, provided you cancel at least 21 days before your arrival date.

50% of the remaining amount should be paid 21 days before arrival, in case of cancellation within this period there is no refund. The remaining balance 20% can be paid upon arrival.